Do you want to use your creativity on Instagram? Are you tired of posting the same type of photos with the same filters all the time and scrolling through those three columns? Here are 5 examples from business accounts that made their Instagram look totally outstanding:
1Ikea Product Catalogue
Ikea Product Catalogue
There’s not so much to explain here, just visit Ikea Product Catalogue (Russian market) and start clicking! It will display the few basic categories and consequently clicking on one of them takes you to another Instagram account with only this category. When clicking e.g. on Tables, a series of tables appear tagged on a picture. Guess what? Yes, there’s even more Instagram accounts!
What I liked about this account, is that it’s not only a one to many communication – people can take pictures of their furniture and tag Ikea on Instagram. So when you’re looking for your next Billy wardrobe, just take a look at the photos from other people!
If you think Ikea had a lot of new accounts created just for the sake of displaying the products, look at this example:
Mercedes took the game to another level by letting your customize their car via Instagram. End result? You land at an account which shows the photo of a car you made yourself with a link in the bio to this car online. Brilliant right? This way you can get Instagram likes and followers from people interested in cars. Also, using the hashtag #BuildYourOwnGLA creates a community where people can share their unique designs and see what others have created.
Another way to be creative on Instagram is to invite people to a game or a sweepstake. Heineken wanted to give away free tickets to the US Open tournament and Instagram became a very good option to test it out:
The idea is that this account has a long row of spectators and in order to get free tickets, someone has to follow the signs and find it within the crowd. To see everything well, you need to flip in your phone horizontally (the logo is also flipped)
4Nike – show your pictures in a unique way
Nike – show your pictures in a unique way
It’s nice to change your style from time to time. Here’s what Nike did – increasing their display space from 6 small square photos to one big rectangle billboard. Effect? It’s pretty impressive! One disadvantage though – every time you post something extra, your layout is distorted. There’s a great app to create images like that, just check Giant Square!
5Lacoste – fantastic animations
Lacoste – fantastic animations
I love this Instagram account! Lacoste is not following the majority but posts its own content in its own way. Product is the centre of attention here, however Lacoste is using their graphic design and funny animations to turn a boring polo into something epic. Take a look at some of their animations here:
What do you think? Have you got any more interesting examples of how to use Instagram creatively? Share your links here below!