Using Cybersecurity to Safeguard Your Laptop

We’re all glued to a screen in some capacity every day. Having most of our work and personal life somehow revolve around internet usage and its features encompassing many of our gadgets as well, it is imperative to have cybersecurity come in at some point.

The future is digitalization. No doubt about that. But in the wise words of (late) Uncle Ben, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

You wouldn’t want to set up a great system and have its security lacking enough for someone to get the better of it. As a foundational rule, investing in an internet that provides the first wall of defense against such threats is a good way to start easing your investments.

A connection like that of WOW Internet is a perfect example of this. With this done, let’s check out additional fronts that you could layer up for enhanced protection.

Evolving Challenges

Evolving Challenges

To define cybersecurity would mean to define the threats it goes up against i.e malware, software issues, and data leaks. And since there isn’t one particular facet among these that does not reform itself from time to time, thus putting a thumb over the definition of cybersecurity is a difficult task. We can, however, at the basic level call it the police force for the digital world.

Where hackers use software to attack, distort, corrupt, or extort important information from you or your company, cybersecurity works to keep it in place by isolating the problem or completely eradicating it.

The most prevalent issues that companies face when dealing with said challenges are:

· Security of Company Applications

· Cloud Data Security

· Digital Infrastructure Security

· Network Security  

Gone are the days when simple antiviruses would be enough to combat foreign threats. Nowadays, hackers are smart. Malicious software is smart too. Even the peskiest of these has the potential to grow into something fatal for your system if not dealt with properly. We went ahead and laid out some of the ways in which cybersecurity makes its perks shine:

· Unauthorized Access Prevention

· General Data Protection

· End user Protection

· Speedy recovery if Data Breach Occurs

· Better Trust Building with Other Firms

Different Types of Cybersecurity Threats

There are all kinds of digital menaces out there. They get craftier by the minute. Over the years, some of the more prominent ones have been able to be identified due to their repeated mannerisms. Let’s check them out:

Ransomware: The king of checkmate. As hinted by the name, this malware enables the hacker to lock the subject’s files. This is typically done through encryption. Once the file is isolated, the user then has no option but to conform to the hacker’s demand. This can be anything from information, exposure of some sort, or paying money. Once the demand(s) are met, the person then unlocks the file but there is really no guarantee to a hacker’s word.

Phishing: This hack exposes high school and university students the most. Coming in hot as a form of social engineering, Phishing works as an imposter. By duplicating, and replicating official emails sent by a company, a hacker can lure students, employees, and executives into sharing important credentials. Typically, fraudulent emails can be identified by the address they are sent from. Which looks funny from the get-go. However, text messages are where the lines are truly blurred. That is why it’s always a safe bet to never send crucial data over text messages anyway.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): The only way a threat remains undetected is by keeping a low profile. That’s exactly what APTs do. All a hacker does is penetrate a cyber system and remains inside it undetected by keeping their activity below the radar. Data is stolen although by keeping activity under wraps so a big company is not notified about the shady business happening in its depths.

AI Usage in Cybersecurity

AI Usage in Cybersecurity

Since the advent of automation & AI, cybersecurity has been able to piggyback on utility features that often don’t involve human presence. There’s a plethora of data streams to handle, particularly as companies move up the ladder, and having a person or group of people monitor it from time to time isn’t the most productive or cheapest option. Moreover, there’s bound to be a human error at some point. However, AI can do this without breaking a sweat.

Cybersecurity AI is specific when it comes to recognizing threats. That is why it tops threat detection charts annually. Not only does it scan and report but it also has the ability to predict threats in the future. Always handy to prep for the road ahead.

Big data analysis is another important aspect of AI. Sifting through loads of company data can be a hassle and, quite frankly, a pain for company employees. Malware truly meets its match when an AI is let loose on its tail.


That’s a wrap on our holistic comparison about how cybersecurity is a need of the hour. As we move towards digitalization on a global scale, the need for better-built and more adept cyber proofing is required.

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