Top 50 Common Affiliate Marketing Acronyms

Are you are an affiliate marketer or may be just exploring to find out what’s cool and trending in affiliate networking? Here are some handy affiliate marketing acronyms you need to check out.

The field of affiliate marketing might seem complicated if you are just beginning and trying to explore this business field. In truth though, it is very simple and in fact not as complicated as it might seem. In order to get you started with affiliate marketing, it is important to begin from the basics. Yes, we’ll begin from the very start. In this review, we have rounded up some handy affiliate marketing acronyms and abbreviations that you need to have at your fingertips.

Affiliate Marketing Acronyms


Ad – Advertisement

This refers to an internet text, banner, pop-up, flash, and video, among other contents that are used to market a product or service.


Autosub – Auto-subscription

This refers to a billing method where the client is billed for a product or service recurrently.


AM – Affiliate Manager

This abbreviation refers to the officer in charge of a company’s affiliate program. This is the manager in charge.


AOV – Affiliate Order Value

This acronym is often used to represent the average value of a purchase. It is a computed value that is arrived at by dividing total value of orders during a specified duration.


AW – Affiliate Window

This is by far the largest affiliate network in the United Kingdom. It is owned by Digital Window Ltd, one of the leading affiliate marketing companies in the globe.


BHO – Browser Helper Object

This is an integral component of the web browser that allows for easy customization and control of end user’s internet explorer by developers. It makes it easy to access all events and properties of all browsing sessions.


B2B – Business to Business

This revolves around affiliate networks or companies transacting business between themselves rather than with consumers.


B2C – Business to Consumer

This involves business transactions that take place between a business and consumer, rather than between business and business.


Bot – Robot

This is a software application that crawls and indexes web pages. Only pages that are crawled and indexed are available in organic searches.


BH – Black Hat Marketing

This is a marketing technique that makes use of tricks and other deceptive marketing tactics to achieve sales objectives.


Biz Dev – Business Development

This acronym is used in affiliate marketing to refer to the pursuit of business goals and objectives by maximizing business opportunities.


Biz Op or Bizopp – Business opportunity

This refers to a chance to reap more returns on business investments. It is a chance of reaping profits from a business venture.


CAC – Customer Acquisition Cost

This is the cost that is related to convincing a visitor to a site to purchase a product. It is essentially the cost associated with converting all website visits.


CJ- Commission Junction Affiliate Network

This is a global leader in affiliate marketing. Commission Junction Affiliate Network has offices in the US, UK, Sweden, France, and Germany.


CPA- Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition

This refers to payments made by the advertiser per qualifying action by the end-user in response to an advert. It is essentially a payment model.


CPM – Cost Per Thousand

In affiliate marketing, this is taken to mean the cost associated with some a thousand impressions. As such, CPM includes the amount charged per 1000 newsletters, subscribers, etc.


CR – Conversion Rate/Ratio

This refers to the percentage approximation of the number of website visitors that undertake a targeted action like subscription, purchase, etc.


CTR – Click Through Rate/ Ratio

This is another metric that is used to estimate the level of response to a particular advert. It is basically a percentage approximate of the number of web visitors that actually click on a particular advert or link.


COD – Cash on Delivery

This is an affiliate marketing acronym used to refer to payment terms where the client only pays for a product upon delivery and not in advance.


CPE – Cost Per Engagement

This is a payment model that is based purely on the level of business engagement between parties.


CPI – Cost Per Install

This is a payment model that is used mainly in mobile traffic. The marketer is paid only for the number of app installs made by end-users.


DLL – Dynamic Link Library

In affiliate marketing, DLL refers to a file that can be executed to allow programs to share code and other resources needed to undertake particular tasks or solve arithmetic problems.


DCB – Direct Carrier Billing

Refers to a pricing model where costs per purchase is charged directly to a client’s phone bill.


DSP – Demand Side Platform

Refers to a consideration that advertisers use while purchasing traffic from Ad exchanges.


Ecom – Ecommerce

This affiliate marketing is used to refer to online businesses that specialize in selling physical products.


EPC – Earnings Per Click

This refers to the amount earned per 100 clicks of a particular advert of link. This metric is used by affiliates to evaluate the attractiveness or relevance of a particular program. It is calculated by dividing the total number of clicks by net earnings for the entire program.


GAN – Google Affiliate Network

This one of America’s leading affiliate networks that was established in 2008 following Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick Performics. So, it was actually a rebrand of the former.


KPI – Key Performance Indicator

This is a measure of a company’s performance and success in business.


LS – Link Share Affiliate Network

This is another leading American affiliate network. LS uses link ads to push product and service sales and generate income.


LTV – Lifetime Value

LTV is used by affiliate networks as a sales metric to estimate the amount a client is likely to spend with a particular organization or company throughout the customer’s lifetime. May also be abbreviated as LCV – Lifetime Customer Value or CLV – Customer Lifetime Value.


MLM – Multi-Level Marketing

This is a sales system that entails reception of commission on own sales as well as sales of individual sellers you recruit into the program.


O (A) PM – Outsourced (Affiliate) Program Manager

This refers to an affiliate manager in charge of managing affiliate affairs outside the company’s premises.


PMA – Performance Marketing Association

This acronym is used to refer to a nonprofit organization that is mainly charged with informing, connecting, and advocating on behalf of another institution within the same industry.


PPA – Pay Per Action

This is also referred to as CPA (Cost per Action/Acquisition). It refers to payments made by the advertiser per qualifying action by the end-user in response to an Ad.


PPC – Pay Per Click

This acronym is used in affiliate marketing to refer to a payment model in which a web owner pay only for targeted clicks. That is to say that web owners will only pay for clicks associated with the keywords that one has bid for in any PPC Ad campaign.


PPCall (Pay per Call)

This is an affiliate marketing model in which payments are made only for qualifying calls made to a web owner in response to an Advert.


PPL (Pay per Lead)

This acronym is often used in affiliate marketing to refer to a marketing model in which payment is made only for qualifying leads from the advertiser. Leads that end in conversions, that is.


PPS (Pay per Sale)

This is an affiliate marketing model in which remunerations are made only for qualifying sales received by the web owner courtesy of an Ad. Also abbreviated as CPS (Cost per Sale).


PPV (Pay per View)

In this affiliate marketing model, the web owner pays the advertiser each time their website is viewed by a visitor. This campaign is often driven by pop up ads.


SAS – Share a Sale

This is among the best affiliate networks with a strong stance for transparency, affiliate support, and against parasites.


SE – Search Engine

This is a computer program that is essentially used to search documents by keywords and phrases. Some of the renowned search engines include Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.


SID – Shopper ID

This is a parameter that is included to an affiliate tracking URL to keep track of sales and leads.


TOS – Terms Of Service

This refers to an affiliate network’s agreement with other affiliates. Simply put, TOS refers to the rules and regulations for doing business.


URL – Universal Resource Locator

This refers to the global address of an online resource. It is basically a link that gives you access to web resources.


UV – Unique Visitor

In affiliate marketing, this acronym is used in tracking web traffic and often refers to a person that accesses a site multiple times within a specified time interval.


ROI – Return on Investment

In affiliate marketing, ROI simply refers to a measure of the effectiveness of an investment in terms of profit-making.


SEM – Search Engine Marketing

This refers to affiliate marketing that aims to improve a site’s online exposure with leading search engines. The idea is to have the website feature top of organic search results so that it attracts more visits.


SEO – Search Engine Optimization

This is a rather common acronym in web content creation. It is about creating web contents that will help your site rank higher in organic search results.


SERP – Search Engine Results Page

This refers to the page that is displayed on your screen whenever you look up something on the web.


UBE – Unsolicited Bulk Email

This affiliate marketing acronym refers to a large group of emails messages sent out to a recipient without their permission.


Affiliate marketing acronyms are many. We simply can’t exhaust them in a single review. We have however highlighted some of the most common one you will most likely encounter in everyday conversations. Next time you hear affiliate marketers used these acronyms and abbreviations, at least you won’t be at sea.
