The Importance of Patient Reviews in Healthcare Marketing: Building Trust with Patient Testimonials

Nowadays, people who need healthcare can simply search the internet and look for their needs.

In fact, there are about 7,000 health-related searches on Google every minute, which is equivalent to more than one billion searches a day. Furthermore, it accounts for about 7% of Google’s daily searches.

That said, most businesses conduct their marketing strategies online. They are aware of the importance of their online reputation. One of the first things customers/clients may do is to read online reviews about the business. Based on the survey of PowerReviews, about 98% of consumers said that online reviews are significant resources when making purchases online.

This statistic is also applicable to healthcare. Thus, a branding agency, which controls the marketing aspects of healthcare products or service providers, knows the importance of patient reviews in their online reputation.

Now, here are four of the reasons why patient reviews are important in healthcare marketing.

1. It affects Google’s local search ranking.

It affects Google’s local search ranking

Google is the most-used search engine. Healthcare marketers aim to put their website at the top of the search or at least on the first page. According to Google, three factors determine local ranking – relevance, distance, and prominence.

Specifically, prominence measures how well-known the business is. Google review count and review score factors affect prominence. Positive ratings and more reviews can improve the prominence factor, which may lead to higher local search ranking.

It is important to note that in terms of review scores, getting a five-star rating is not always seen as an advantage. Based on a Northwestern Now article, according to the research of GetApp, product purchases are most influenced by a 4.2-4.5 star rating. Some skeptical consumers find a five-star a “too good to be true” rating.

2. It helps patients research.

As mentioned earlier, most patients read online reviews to make decisions. It gives them more details about the services of the healthcare providers. Usually, the details that patients look for are the quality and effectiveness of the service, the customer treatment, the pricing, and the facilities/equipment available.

So, as more and more patients look first at the reviews, it is best to make these reviews available on all of the platforms they search for, such as websites and social media platforms. Some healthcare marketing agencies, such as Cardinal Healthcare Marketing Agency, produce video reviews so that the marketing may feel more personal and genuine.

3. It gives room for improvement.

It gives room for improvement

Let’s face the fact that there is no perfect healthcare product or service that will completely satisfy patients and consumers. Reviews provide the insights a healthcare provider needs to improve services.

Negative reviews may seem frightening, but seeing them as constructive criticisms can provide the needed push to enhance healthcare services and marketing.

In asking for reviews or feedback, it is essential to be as specific as possible. For instance, instead of asking patients if they are simply satisfied or not, ask for feedback regarding appointment efficiency, staff behavior, procedure quality, and overall care.

4. It can be used to boost marketing efforts.

Most healthcare marketing agencies maximize patient testimonials to boost their marketing efforts. For instance, in creating blog posts or social media posts, they incorporate their patient reviews with informational content so other people can see the positive impact of the services they provide from those who have already experienced them.

Furthermore, they can display patient review scores, ratings, and other statistics in making their publication or marketing materials. They can post these materials on social media sites or their own website. Also, they can use them for targeted marketing, such as sending emails to potential healthcare consumers.

Final Thoughts

Patient reviews are vital aspects of healthcare marketing. Most people consider it as the most reliable content they can get from the website or page of healthcare providers, as these come from people who have experienced healthcare first-hand.

Furthermore, healthcare providers can benefit from patient reviews as these can affect their Google’s local search ranking, help their patients’ research, give the providers room for improvement, and can be used to boost their marketing efforts.

As a healthcare provider or a healthcare marketing agency, it is best to ask patients for specific feedback. A survey questionnaire after receiving care can provide detailed feedback which healthcare providers can use to make publication materials, statistics, and other ratings that can reflect their services.

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