People purchase cryptocurrencies for different purposes. Someone considers them as a tool for investment or exchange trading, for someone it is important to protect their funds from inflation and theft, and someone simply does not want to draw too much attention to their assets.
Among the many cryptocurrencies, you can choose a tool that is best suited for your purposes.
How ADA Beats ZEC
For example, Zcash (ZEC) is in the TOP-6 of the most confidential cryptocurrencies and is valued primarily for its high security.
Cardano (ADA) is inferior to ZEC in terms of privacy, but is more popular as one of the fastest growing digital assets. After launching in 2015, the coin quickly entered the TOP 10 largest cryptocurrencies and has never left the list.
The architecture of the ADA blockchain is based on peer-reviewed research. The structure is based on mathematical principles and is positioned as 100% secure against any fraudulent activity. The network uses its own version of the Proof-Of-Stake consensus algorithm called Ouroboros.
The project aims to launch sidechains, smart contracts and decentralized applications. Cardano is the closest competitor to one of the veterans of the cryptocurrency market, namely Ethereum. Moreover, he is often referred to as a potential Ethereum killer.
Due to their high positions in the cryptocurrency rating, both coins are available on almost all major exchanges.
How to Exchange ZEC to ADA
The algorithm for exchanging cryptocurrency pairs is basically the same. You first need to find a cryptocurrency trading platform that supports both coins. Notice if these coins form a trading pair.
The next step is registration. On some exchanges, this is quite enough to get access to all the features of the site.
On large custodian exchange services, an additional account verification procedure is provided. To do this, you will need to indicate the phone number, country of birth and / or residence, as well as provide a scan of an identity document. After completing the verification, you will be entitled to use all the features of the trading platform.
The policies to encourage registration and account verification on different exchanges may vary markedly. Somewhere it will be more favorable trading conditions, somewhere – access to additional opportunities like staking or cloud mining. If you want to learn in practice how does Chia mining work and you can join the mining pool right in the exchange system, then why not?
Then you need to replenish the deposit, specify the address of the wallet to which your coins will be credited and exchange assets.
Could it be Easier?
In fact, you can. In addition to custodian trading platforms, there are instant exchange services on the network that do not require registration. The work algorithm is extremely simple:
- Go to the exchange widget.
- In the upper field, select the ZEC for sale and the number of coins you want to sell;
- Select ADA to buy in the bottom field;
- Indicate the address of your crypto wallet;
- Deposit coins;
Press the “Exchange” button.
The smart search system will find and analyze a huge number of available offers, select the highest ZEC to ADA exchange rate among them, automatically complete the transaction and send coins to your wallet.