Marketing Analytics: What You Need to Know

In your search for new ways to elevate your marketing, you’ve likely come across the term ‘marketing analytics’.

If you’re not already utilising the right marketing analytics tools in your business, then you should start right away. But you may need to know more about them first. We’ll help you with this by giving you the lowdown on one of the best tools available today – call tracking software.

Read on to find out more.

Call tracking – an expert analytics tool

Call tracking provides a range of useful analytics for your marketing efforts to help you implement the right data-driven strategies for improvement.

The software tracks every one of your inbound customer calls and lets you attribute them to the marketing touchpoints the customer visited before, during, and after the call.

Whether it was a visit to your website from a Facebook page link, a call from your Google Business Profile, or a click on your paid ad, call tracking will help you see every aspect of the customer journey.

You’ll also receive expert insights that provide granular data with each of your campaigns, to help you see how every area of your marketing is performing.

This can be crucial for many reasons, including:

1. Staying on top of conversions

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For any marketer, one of the keys to success is being able to accurately monitor where conversions are being generated, and how. Call tracking can show you which of your activities, campaigns, and channels are driving the most calls, and what the reasons for this are.

For example, the majority of your callers could have begun their journey by following a link from a marketing email, or by interacting with a social media campaign. You can stay on top of where your conversions are coming from, and if certain areas begin to lower or increase in their calls generated, you can quickly identify and address it.

2. Optimising specific activities

With the software’s insights, you can optimise different activities to maximise leads and sales. For instance, you can focus on your pay-per-click (PPC) activity and see which ads are driving the most calls.

Once you know this, you can more accurately adjust your ad copy to replicate the type of content used in your successful ads – this could be a certain tone, style, or use of a call to action. This will leave a more effective structure for your PPC, where you’re only paying for ads which are delivering the conversion rates you want.

3. Monitoring customer behaviours

Call tracking can also help reveal certain customer behaviours. In particular, speech analytics can identify any keywords mentioned in call conversations.

This feature can help you understand various things about your customers, such as:

  • What marketing sources they prefer
  • Their specific pain points
  • Any common enquiries
  • Which sources are producing valuable leads

Using this data, you can more effectively target your customers with your campaigns and recognise the presence of any trends you can utilise.

4. Getting the most value from your budget

Getting the most value from your budget

The marketing analytics from call tracking can help you get maximum value from your budget. You can use the data from your software as evidence for where you should be directing your resources – i.e., to the activities producing the most calls.

This will help you increase your conversions where it’s most profitable, and by withdrawing your budget from certain areas, it can help you cut costs. In turn, you’ll significantly lower your cost per lead and have more revenue to cycle back into valuable areas of your marketing.

Although we’ve covered a lot here, there’s so much more to be offered with call tracking software, and it can boost your business in a wide range of ways. For more information, speak to an expert provider to find out how this marketing analytics tool can take your business to the next level.

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