Submitting 5 Essays in a Week: Is It Even Possible?

Deadlines, essays, and balancing it all out with everyday life can be hectic and difficult, especially for students who aren’t experienced enough to deal with many things at once. We’ve compiled a list of practical, simple, and smart pointers to consider to help you overcome what’s ahead.

So, is it possible to submit five essays in a week? It’s easier to avoid getting into a situation like this, but for those who have found themselves in a rut, consider the advice in this article for some clarity on what to do next.

On an important note, EssayHub would be good for those who want to buy an essay online for it to be done by professionals. Tired and stressed out? We recommend you give them a shot. Moving on, here are some life-saving tips on how to navigate a deadline week.

It Depends

It Depends

Some students can write a 1000-word paper in a day, while others may take more time. Moreover, depending on the person, some topics might be easier to cover than others – it all depends on the student’s knowledge and experience.

Evidently, it would be a much smoother process to write on a subject that you are already familiar with. On the other hand, if a student needs to write on a topic they have never researched before, it will take more effort to handle the essay.

It Can Be Done 

It Can Be Done 

While it seems like a daunting task, it is doable. In this case, however, a sufficient amount of preparation, strategic thinking, and time management might be needed. It’s not like students can’t try to accomplish this, but if they expect to submit five high-quality essays, they’ll need to apply themselves.

They can ask themselves these questions:

  • What am I writing about?
  • How many words do I need to write?
  • How long does it usually take me to write X amount of words?
  • How well do I know the subject and how much time will I allow myself to research it?
  • How much time will it take to edit and finalize it?
  • What could disturb my process if I write it today?

You can go through this checklist for each paper you need to write and consider buying coursework if realistically, handling the task is impossible. Nevertheless, try to optimize your time, spend it on more urgent tasks first, and focus on the essay writing process.

Less Sleep, More Sleep

Less Sleep, More Sleep

It is never a good idea to miss out on sleep, but sometimes, it’s the only viable option when trying to meet an important deadline. In this case, the student might need to put in a few more hours of work before getting some rest.

On the other hand, having good sleeping habits and patterns could save a student’s grade. If a student has a regular and healthy sleep cycle, they’ll have more energy and should likely be more efficient at executing tasks than a student who’s tired and burnt out.

Focus and Prioritizing

Focus and Prioritizing

As stated before, a bit of organization will help students get through this. Students can note down in their digital or physical planner what needs to be done and prioritized in their schedule. For example, instead of going out for a meal, they can order something to their dorm/flat. Or, they can buy ready-made meals or cook a meal the night before.

Small things like this will give them more time to finish their essays. Small habits create big positive changes. To be more productive in daily life, it’s better to focus on what matters than what’s urgent. This means that students should know their priorities.

Obviously, cleaning up, eating well, exercising, and all the other things they should take care of are important. Still, when they have to balance it out with studies, they have to prioritize to avoid being overwhelmed.

One thing at a time.

Regular Breaks 

Regular Breaks 

Being efficient and optimizing time in order to get through submitting five essays in a week is important, but it will only work if the mind gets a break now and again. Being busy doesn’t always mean being productive. Students can sit and try to write a paper, distracted and blocked, and they’d still take more time to finish it because of a poor mental state.

It’s been proven that the brain can focus intently for two hours at a time before it needs a break. This is why courses at schools, whether at high school or college, usually last for two hours. Taking scheduled breaks should help students endure and do more. Depending on how much work they need to do and how much they know about the subject they can relax for:

  • 30 minutes;
  • 1 hour;
  • 2 hours.

Breaks are crucial for efficiency and endurance. If possible, students should take naps if they can.

Get Help

Get Help

Some people work better alone, but for many students, it could be beneficial to work through essays with someone else. Students can get help from their peers or simply stay motivated just by studying with others.

On the other hand, students can get a tutor who will guide them towards becoming better at writing and meeting deadlines.

To Sum Up

At the end of the day, many things are possible with some determination and a will to do it. However, it’s much better and easier for the mind and the body to do things in a relaxed and unrushed state. Still, this list can help students rushing to meet their deadlines.

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