Desktop vs Laptop: Which One is Better for Seniors?

The neverending debate which is better, a desktop or a laptop is something a lot of people think about and it's not a big deal, but when it comes to seniors, it’s a bit more tricky.

There are various elements that need to be considered, not just what type of computer looks and performs the best – these are actually secondary priorities when looking to buy a machine for someone older. So instead of choosing just anything, here is a guide on choosing the right desktop or laptop for a senior citizen!



Laptops are extremely handy devices that allow you to do everything you should do on a desktop, but without the physical constraints. This is a plus for seniors, especially if they want to lay down and use the device comfortably. But on the other hand, some people are not used to this kind of device, even if there are lots of senior friendly laptops to choose from.

It can take a bit of adjusting, especially if they are used to the desktop format – but this can easily be adjusted. Even adding a mouse instead of using the touchpad can make a big difference overall. Laptops come in all shapes and sizes, and different specs as well, depending on what the laptop is used for. What might be a downside to this is the constant need to charge them, but it’s also something that just needs some getting used to!

Overall, laptops are a great option regardless if a person has experience with computers or not, they are mobile and lightweight, so that older people can easily hold them and use them however they like, without feeling discomfort!


Desktop computers used to be the default choice, and for some people they still are. There are so many different models to choose from, especially when it comes to the size of the scream – which can be essential for people with bad vision. You don't want elderly people to struggle while using a computer, so adjusting it to their needs is essential.

Desktop computers are usually more powerful than regular laptops, they also don't need to get charged, they need to be plugged in all the time. But on the other hand, it's not an easy thing to set up – assembling can take a bit of knowledge and some time even for people with experience.

If someone a bit older decides to buy a desktop computer, they’ll most likely need to ask someone to set everything up which can be an inconvenience opposed to just buying a laptop and turning it on!


What is the device for?

One of the most important questions to ask is what is the device for? It all depends on the person, some people only use computers in order to send E-mails or watch movies, whilst others indulge in hobbies or play video games! So the specs are essential and have to go along with what the person wants to do.

Laptops usually don't have a lot of power, but there are extremely powerful laptops as well, on the other hand you can't go wrong with a desktop computer as they almost always have more strength.

It's good to keep in mind all the possibilities, it's good to invest in a good device, but if the usage is limited and revolves around browsing the internet and sending Emails, a laptop is more suitable! So make sure to have the specs in mind when buying the device!

Things to consider

The physical limitations are usually the first thing you need to think about – especially when considering people of age. Usually a desktop is a good option for people who can walk and easily spend time sitting down at a desk, whilst bed ridden people wouldn't be able to do this.

A laptop is more suitable for people who have issues with mobility and need to stay in bed for the most part. The weight is also a big part of the issues, a laptop is usually pretty light – there are lots of options to choose from when it comes to the size. Whilst a desktop, along with its computer is usually bulky and large, so a senior wouldn't be able to change places and move it around as they please.

At the end of the day, it’s good to ask the senior citizen what they are most comfortable with, it can be a bit tricky to get used to a new device even if they are essentially the same.

But overall, a laptop is more suitable for the majority of people especially since it's versatile so that they can use it while sitting down or laying down! but if a person prefers one over the other, that’s also fine – it all comes down to personal preference and ability. Once you have all the pros and cons for both sides, the decision will be clear!

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