RPC Fast Ethereum Blockchain API Support

“Time changes people's minds better than logical arguments,” said Thomas Paine back in 1776.

Of course, then it was not at all about the IT sphere, and even more so not about the crypto industry, but those his words fit well into the realities of today. In a world where applications and systems communicate with each other more and more, API services provide users with a unique opportunity to go beyond a single processor, system, local program or application.

And when any developer of a project, for example, within the framework of Ethereum, needs instant access and interaction between several servers and applications, then rpc api, one of the tools of the service, will become his assistant.

Ethereum Technology

Ethereum Technology

From the very moment when the cryptocurrency world was replenished with another Ethereum ecosystem, the arsenal of IT specialists was replenished with a unique opportunity to create decentralized applications (DApps). Why are these applications called decentralized? Because they do not depend on any third party.

And it is this ability of Ethereum that has made it, in fact, a platform with wide possibilities. It is no coincidence that the creator of this innovation ecosystem conceived it not only to manage the currency potential, but also so that the real sectors of the world economy could benefit from the transparent movement and interaction of financial flows.

Of course, only time will tell whether these tasks have been fully implemented. In the end, it is quite possible that very soon, in the foreseeable future, Ethereum can help humanity free itself from the dictates of the existing banking empire. Almost always, any innovations meet with strong resistance from established rules, habits, and traditions.

Often we seek to protect the existing state of our lives, guided by the thesis that “it is right, because it has always been so”. However, gaining experience from new progressive developments, humanity changes both its mind and the existing status quo.

Inter-Process Communication with RPC

Earlier, we talked about the fact that in the IT field today, services that make it possible to use API interfaces to exchange various data between applications using the “request-response” chain are in great demand. However, to create API interfaces, you need to build a certain architecture. After all, the interaction of user`s server can be carried out with programs that are located at some network distance, operate on other machines, in a different address space, etc.

To ensure effective communication between multiple systems, we need a special inter-process communication tool – RPC (Remote Procedure Call). In other words, RPC is a kind of protocol through which several systems communicate. Or, to make this definition even clearer, we can say that RPC is a language that programs “speak” among themselves within different systems, computers, etc.

And the main task of RPC protocols is aimed at either enabling various systems to communicate with each other, or creating a certain head server over them, which will manage all these separately taken various systems and subsystems.

The developers have defined three categories of RPC: Callback, Broadcast, and Packet. Each of them performs certain tasks depending on the goals and requirements of the developers.



So, let's sum up our topic briefly. Without too much detail, we have determined that the Ethereum ecosystem is not only a new kind of cryptocurrency, it is a universal family of smart contracts that are based on the blockchain methodology. And it is absolutely logical that Ethereum itself, of course, is of interest, but only as a kind of innovative technology.

Much more significant is that, using this groundbreaking technology, developers can create standalone DApps. And statistics confirm that 4/5 of all DApps are created using Ethereum. Our service also gives you this opportunity.

Furthermore, we can provide you with the opportunity to use our project pattern structure, in which you can make your own changes if it suits your task. In a word, successfully create your DApps using the products of our service as indispensable, fast and safe helpers.

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