Did you know that there are more than 2 million solar installations in the United States of America and they provide enough electricity to power 12 million homes? Solar panel technology is a great option for your home's power needs because they provide renewable energy throughout the year while saving you big bucks on your energy bills.
Home solar panels are becoming more and more prevalent, but there is still a lot that isn't understood by consumers when it comes to residential solar panels and the ways in which they work. Solar panel science is interesting and worth learning if you're someone that is interested in buying solar panels for your home.
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The good news is that you're in the perfect place for some fun facts about solar panel science and the different types of solar panels on the market today. Keep reading this article to learn about ten great facts about solar panel technology today!
1. Solar Panel Technology Was Invented in 1941
The ability to create an electric current using rays from the sun was discovered way back in 1839 by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, but it wasn't until 1941 that humans found a way to harness that power. The first commercial solar panel followed shortly after. It was released for public use by Bell Laboratories in the year 1954.
Solar panel technology is still growing and improving with each passing year. There are now many types of residential solar panels on the market that use different ways to capture and convert energy from the sun into usable electricity for your home and others like it.
2. An Hour of Sunlight Results In One Year's Worth of Energy
The sun is immensely powerful, but it is hard for the human mind to comprehend just how much energy the Sun produces. Solar power doesn't work unless there is solar energy for solar panel technology to capture and harness. There are two different routes that this energy gets converted into usable energy.
The first route is photovoltaic. This is the route used for converting solar energy into electricity for use at your home or your office.
The other way in which sunlight gets converted is through thermal solar energy. This type of solar energy gets converted into heat that you can use for keeping your home warm or making the water in your shower hot. Each type of energy is valuable and makes for a sustainable and comfortable existence.
Buying solar panels is a wise move because solar energy is the most abundant type of energy on earth. If you want to make the most of this free and sustainable energy source then you should look into what it takes to own your solar system.
3. California Is the Biggest Proponent of Solar Panels
It should come as no surprise that California produces the most energy from residential solar panels in the entire United States. In fact, the state of California produced more than 20,000 megawatts of power for electrical use in the year 2017 alone. That is enough power to provide electricity to more than 3 million homes across the entire state.
There are a few other states that are trying their best to keep up with the solar energy production of California. States like North Carolina, Arizona, New Jersey, and Nevada aren't far behind when it comes to making the most of solar panel technology.
The good news is that solar panel technology is becoming more affordable with each passing year. The lower prices and the tax incentives are creating a great time for homeowners to start buying solar panels in order to meet their electrical needs.
4. You Can Get Power Without Direct Sunlight
There is a common misconception about solar panel science that you need direct sunlight on your home's solar panels in order to create energy for use at your home. Sunlight is the most abundant energy source, and your residential solar panels will collect more energy from it if it is a direct dose of sunlight.
Still, it doesn't need to be direct sunlight in order to harvest some energy. There are many different parts of the sun's light spectrum and your solar panels can collect energy from almost all of them.
There is also the false notion that you won't collect any energy on a cloudy day with your solar panels. You'll still get some of the sun's light spectrum through the clouds and be good to go with your energy needs.
5. Solar Panel Technology Reduces Your Home's Carbon Emissions
Solar energy is one of the cleanest types of energy on the planet, and making the switch to home solar panels will make a huge difference for the environment. Becoming independent from your local power company means that you can use green and renewable energy sources that don't emit any carbon into the atmosphere.
Other energy sources produce a ton of pollutants and carbon emissions that are causing a number of issues on Earth. Some burn fossil fuels like coal or oil to produce electricity. Others use tons of water through hydroelectric dams or nuclear power plants for electricity production.
6. Solar Pays for Itself
Investing in solar panel technology is a wise investment because it will pay for itself in the long run. Energy bills aren't cheap, and getting residential solar panels for your home will eliminate your energy bill each month. If you produce excess electricity then you can even sell that power to the electric company and make a profit.
You can save the money that you used to spend on your energy bills to put towards paying off your solar energy system. You can also put it aside for other home improvements or for your next big vacation.
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7. Solar Power Fuels Airplanes
It might sound crazy, but solar power can fuel airplanes in 2022. There are modes of transportation that are making good use of the sun's power and energy. Trains, cars, buses, and planes are all using solar power in order to fuel travel and adventure across the globe.
Travel is getting a bit deeper into solar panel science and finding ways in which humans can make the most of the sun's abundant energy with this great technology.
8. Community Effort
Solar panel technology started out as an investment that one household would make and then use. That is changing in the form of entire communities getting onboard with residential solar panels. Community solar panels are becoming more common across the country as a way to cut down on electric bills and help save the planet.
A sharing economy is growing within the United States and that trend has trickled over into the types of solar panels that are available. Talk to your neighbors and get their thoughts on a community or neighborhood solar energy system.
Getting a community solar panel system will save everyone in your neighborhood big money. You'll also become a great example for surrounding communities and neighborhoods to follow. Making the decision to get community solar panels will make the environment a healthier place and set the standard for things that communities can do in order to make a difference.
9. Solar Panel Technology Produces 10 Kilowatts per Square Foot
Kilowatt-hours are the standard unit of measurement when it comes to energy production with residential solar panels. The average solar panel will produce around 225 kilowatts per hour.
Another way of looking at this is that you'll need to buy around 30 home solar panels in order to meet the electrical needs of your household on a daily basis. It is a much better alternative than paying hundreds of dollars each month to the energy company.
Make sure that you set a budget when buying solar panels for your home. It is also wise to ensure that you're getting a strong warranty with your investment. Good solar energy companies offer warranty coverage that lasts around 25 years.
10. Solar Panel Installations Are Rising
The numbers of home solar panels and commercial solar panels that are active across the United States of America are growing at a staggering rate, and they don't look like they'll slow down any time soon. The number of solar installations across the country has grown 23 times over the past 8 years.
There is a reason why solar panel technology is gaining traction and popularity across the country. It is an effective and inexpensive way to meet the power needs of your household as well as the rest of the nation. Best of all, it decreases the damage that humans do to Mother Nature and the Earth.
The lower that prices get for buying solar panels, the more appeal that solar panel technology holds to the average family in the United States.
Make the Most of Solar Panel Technology at Your Home
Getting solar panel technology installed at your home is a great idea if you're someone that wants to live using green energy while still meeting your energy needs. The number of home solar panels in the United States is rising at a rapid rate, and buying solar panels will allow you to minimize your carbon footprint by a vast margin.
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