Virtual Reality 2020s and Beyond: The Future Of Immersive Entertainment

What is the future of virtual reality? This is something that has been on the minds of technologists, futurists, and science fiction fans for decades. With the recent advances in VR technology, that future is taking shape.

The rise of virtual reality will have a profound impact on the media industry. Traditional media companies are already investing in VR, and the industry is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. VR will change the way we consume media, and it will create new opportunities for content creators.

According to Ideal Insight, one of the most exciting things about VR is that it has the potential to be extremely immersive. Viewers will ‌feel like they are inside the story and environment in a way that is not possible with traditional media.

Why the Metaverse will be the backbone of the VR industry


The Metaverse is a concept first proposed by science fiction writer Neal Stephenson in his novel Snow Crash. It's a virtual world that is populated by avatars, and it is connected to the real world through a network of computers.

While the Metaverse hasn't fully materialised yet, there are already some elements of it in place. For example, the popular game Second Life is a virtual world that allows players to create their own avatars and explore different areas.

The metaverse will be the backbone of the VR industry, and it will ‌create immersive experiences. Content creators will ‌create virtual worlds that users can explore, and they will ‌design games, movies, and other experiences that take place in these worlds.

How about VR films?

Imagine being able to watch a movie where you feel ‌you are inside the story. VR films will provide a level of immersion that is not possible with traditional films.

Traditional filmmakers are already experimenting with VR, and it's only a matter of time before we see full-length feature films that are designed for VR headsets. Filmmakers will need to find new ways to tell stories that take advantage of the unique capabilities of VR.

360-degree cameras will play a key role in the production of VR films. These cameras capture footage from all angles, and they allow viewers to choose what they want to look at. This will create a new type of cinema that is more interactive and personal.

The metaverse allows users to immerse themselves in lifelike digital environments, providing an unparalleled level of engagement and immersion. The ability of CGI and game engine technology to create realistic environments will make this possible.

Filmmakers will ‌create virtual worlds that look and feel real. Viewers will ‌explore these worlds and interact with the characters in them. Think of it like the film Ready Player One, but instead of being limited to the OASIS, you'll be able to explore any world that filmmakers can create.

NFTs in film production

NFTs in film production

Producers could create NFTs that represent ownership of a film, and they could sell these NFTs to investors. This would provide a new way to finance films, and it would allow viewers to directly support the creators of their favourite films.’

As the Metaverse ecosystem grows, we will see new applications and use cases for NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This combination will create a new economy for digital content and experiences.

With the ability to create their own virtual worlds, they will ‌experiment and push the boundaries of what's possible. NFTs will play a key role in this, as they will ‌represent ownership of digital assets.


With the ability to create realistic and immersive worlds, VR will change the way we experience films.

The metaverse will provide a new canvas for filmmakers to tell their stories, and NFTs will enable a new economy for digital content. These technologies will democratise the film industry, and the changes they bring will be nothing short of revolutionary.

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