EPoint Hackathon Triumph: Lumighost’s Innovative Ecommerce Solution for the Metaverse and 3D Games

The EPoint Hackathon, organized by EPoint company, successfully concluded on March 23, 2023, as it brought together creative minds to develop groundbreaking ecommerce solutions for the rapidly growing metaverse and 3D gaming ecosystem.

The winning team, Lumighost, with their inventive solution called “Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse,” demonstrated the potential of ecommerce in the virtual realm. Comprising three skilled professionals, Lumighost's Mykola Smorgun, Maksym Tytarenko, and Elnur Akhundov, showcased their proficiency in Unity3D, native mobile development, and backend development, respectively.

The Victorious Lumighost Team

The Victorious Lumighost Team

The Lumighost team, composed of three talented professionals, captivated the judges with their well-crafted solution. Mykola Smorgun, an expert in Unity3D, developed a plugin that allows seamless integration with the metaverse and 3D games. Maksym Tytarenko, who specializes in native mobile development, ensured compatibility with various mobile platforms, while Elnur Akhundov concentrated on creating a robust and scalable backend infrastructure.

Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse: The Game-Changing Solution

Lumighost's Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse solution is set to revolutionize how people engage in ecommerce within the metaverse and 3D gaming environments. This comprehensive solution offers users a seamless shopping experience in the virtual world.

Mykola Smorgun's Unity3D plugin is the cornerstone of this solution, providing developers an easy way to incorporate Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse into their projects. The plugin includes essential features like product browsing, virtual shopping carts, and secure payment processing.

Maksym Tytarenko's work in native mobile development ensures compatibility with popular mobile operating systems, including iOS and Android. This approach allows users to access Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse through their smartphones or tablets, making the shopping experience even more convenient and accessible.

Elnur Akhundov's backend development efforts focused on building a scalable and secure infrastructure to support Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse. This includes a powerful cloud-based server system capable of handling high volumes of data and user requests, as well as advanced security measures to protect user information and prevent fraudulent transactions.

Impact on the Metaverse and 3D Gaming Industry

Impact on the Metaverse and 3D Gaming Industry

Lumighost's Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse solution holds the potential to redefine ecommerce within the metaverse and 3D gaming space. As virtual worlds and gaming environments become more interconnected, the demand for convenient, immersive, and secure shopping experiences will continue to grow.

Developers can benefit from the Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse by integrating it into their projects, offering users a seamless way to engage in ecommerce transactions within their virtual environments. This will not only enhance the overall user experience but also create new revenue streams for developers and businesses alike.

Furthermore, Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse opens up new possibilities for brands and retailers to extend their reach and engage with customers in the metaverse and 3D gaming worlds. By creating virtual storefronts and offering unique, immersive shopping experiences, companies can tap into new markets and build lasting relationships with customers.


The recently concluded EPoint Hackathon has served as an incredible platform for innovation and collaboration, with Lumighost's Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse emerging as a groundbreaking solution for the metaverse and 3D gaming industries. As virtual worlds continue to expand and evolve, it is essential for ecommerce solutions to keep pace with these developments.

Lumighost's victory in the EPoint Hackathon not only demonstrates their technical expertise but also highlights the growing importance of ecommerce solutions in the metaverse and 3D gaming spaces. With Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse set to make a significant impact in the industry, it's safe to say that the future of virtual shopping is in capable hands.

As Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse gains adoption and becomes widely implemented, we can expect to see a paradigm shift in the way users interact with ecommerce platforms in virtual environments. This will lead to more immersive and personalized shopping experiences, making it easier for users to find and purchase products that cater to their unique preferences.

Additionally, the Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse has the potential to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual worlds. This could lead to innovative new business models, such as hybrid stores that combine the best aspects of online and offline shopping, offering users a seamless and convenient way to shop both virtually and in the real world.

The EPoint Hackathon has also demonstrated the power of collaboration and teamwork, with Lumighost's diverse skill set proving instrumental to their success. The combined expertise of Mykola Smorgun, Maksym Tytarenko, and Elnur Akhundov resulted in a solution that is not only innovative but also practical and user-friendly.

In conclusion, the EPoint Hackathon provided a platform for creative minds to collaborate and develop groundbreaking solutions for the metaverse and 3D gaming industries. Lumighost's Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse is poised to change the landscape of virtual shopping, offering users a seamless, immersive, and secure way to engage in ecommerce transactions within their favorite virtual environments.

As the metaverse and 3D gaming industries continue to grow and evolve, we can expect to see more innovative solutions like Epoint Ecommerce Metaverse emerge. These solutions will not only enhance the user experience but also create new opportunities for businesses and developers alike. The EPoint Hackathon has proven to be an invaluable catalyst for innovation, and we eagerly anticipate the remarkable developments that future events will bring to the ever-expanding world of the metaverse and 3D gaming.

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