Are you struggling with your essay writing? Are you juggling many assignments and other personal obligations? Do you lack the time to write an effective essay?
High school and college is a time where students are grooming for the demands of advanced studies or job environments. They are taught how to do certain things in order to make it easy for them when they go on to the real world. One such area of grooming is the writing of essays.
This gives them the opportunity of improving a host of skills associated with writing. However, most students find writing essays challenging. They either lack the skills required or lack the time that needs to be spent on writing essays. As a result, more and more students find that going online and obtaining essay help is more beneficial. Online essays are a good source of inspiration as well as information when it comes to learning how to write a good essay.
Now let's discuss what's necessary to ensure that your essay is worthy of a good grade!Let's talking about How to choose the Essay Topic, Essay Structure & Format at first.
Selecting the Perfect Essay Topic
Selection of Essay Topics Will Be Easy If Certain Criteria are Applied
There are a few key elements needing consideration when you are to write an essay. These include the format of the essay, the structure in which it is written and the essay topics upon which the essays are based on.
By paying attention to these elements, your essay writing will be more effective and your writing will be more interesting to the reader. Let us explore the process of topic selection and few criteria which should be applied in evaluating your topic options.
Importance of a Good Topic
Topics are important for essays because it is the basis of your essay. Without a good topic it is a difficult task to write an effective essay. This is because even if you have applied all the technical rules in to your writing, if you topic is not interesting, relevant or suitable, then you will not be writing a good essay. Most tutors assign topics for the students. Some don’t. They may request you to write various types of essays such as a personal essay, a narrative essay, process analysis essay etc. and leave the selection of the topic to you. In such a scenario, you should know how to choose a topic which will set your essay apart from the rest.
If the Topic is Provided
Before we go on to selecting a topic, let us take a minute to understand what the procedure is if we are assigned the topic. If your topic is an overview such as “the United States Economy”, you have nothing else to think about except that. But if you are assigned a topic such as “world economy” then you should find avenues to create subtopics. This is a general topic and will be too broad for you to write upon. Therefore, you can identify an essay topic within the World economy as: “Role of Emerging Economies within today’s World Economy”. This allows you to concentrate on a narrower subject area while positioning it within a broader context.
Topic Selection Tips
First tip is that you should select a topic you are familiar with and interested in. If you are familiar with art around the world, you should consider “art in France”. You will be able to write a comparison essay, where you can compare the different types of art. Or you can write a descriptive essay and describe certain pieces of art and there similarities and differences. Listing out all you topic ideas will help you to choose the one which has most merit in terms of its familiarity and interest factor. If you are still uncertain about what your topic should be, question the list.
- 1. Which of the topic option do you think is more appealing to your reader?
- 2. Will you be able to provide valuable information within the topic scope?
- 3. What sort of topic ideas makes interesting reading for the target audience?
- 4. Is the prescribed essay type and the selected topic compatible? For instance, it is hard to write a process analysis essay on “an unforgettable day in my life” or “animals have rights too.” Similarly, a topic appropriate for an argumentative essay may not be good for a description essay.
- 5. Can you manage the scope of the topic within the word limit? Some topics need depth of assessment and needs lengthy writing while other topics are perfect for a short essay.
- 6. DO you have access to enough material that can be used as evidence in your essay?
Some essays don’t call for much evidence but if it is an illustration essay, an argumentative essay, informative essay or an analytical essay, you need plenty of material to be cited within your essay.
Coming up with a good essay topic sometimes tax your mind and time too. But by applying above mentioned criteria in to the selection process you may find that application of proper selection technique in fact yields a good topic. Then you can truly enjoy the freedom of writing on a topic of your own choice.
Essay Format is an Essential Consideration in Essay Writing
Understanding the Requirements of Essay Format Will Enable You to Write Clearly
From the time we started writing essays we have been adhering to certain formats. Whatever essays we choose to write, we have to know the basic essay format we are required to use when writing an essay.
Before we educate ourselves on the formats let us talk about what an essay is. An essay is a short piece of writing which discusses and analyses a topic. This topic will be assigned to us or we will be able to select it. There are many types of essay we will have to write in our academic lives. Health essays, literature essays and personal essays are just to name a few.
There are four common formats which we can use when writing an essay. Listed below are the formats and the requirements:
The MLA Format (Modern Language Association)
This format is the most common. Many essays such as psychology essay will be required to be written according to the MLA format. The text is double spaced and about 250 words can be typed. The writer’s name is written before the page number and the first letter of each word in the title is capitalized. The font style will be Times Roman and the size will be 10 to 12. The references and citations will be done on a separate page.
The APA Format (American Psychological Association)
Although the font size and type is the same as the MLA Format, the similarities will end here. In the APA Format the heading will have only about 2 to 3 words of the title and the page number will appear after five spaces. 1” margins will be assigned to all four sides of the page. The main point is that this format will have four parts. These will be the title page, abstract, body and reference.
Harvard Style
When using this format, all statements and views of other authors should be cited. This is also called the “Author/date” format. The letters “ca” means that the date of a publication is not known, whereby an approximate is given and “n.d” means that there is not date. The font used for this format is the same as MLA and APA.
Chicago Format
This format can be used by any class doing humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. There are three parts to this format. These are; the front matter which will consist of the title page, table of contents, dedication, acknowledgements abstracts etc. The body of the paper where you will write your essay and the back of your paper with the appendix, bibliography, references etc. The essay body should be double spaced while bibliography lists should be single space.
Do You Know The Essay Structure You are Required To Use?
When given the assignment of writing an essay, it is standard for you to ask about the length and word count of the essay.
There are many types of essays which you will have to write when in school. Immigration essays, process analysis essays, personal essays and comparative essays are a few of the essays you will have to write. Which ever type of essay you write, you will have to stick to three key components:
1. The Introduction
2. The Body Paragraphs
3. The ConclusionIntroduction
The essay introduction should give the reader an idea as to what your essay is about. It should be interesting and it should catch the reader’s attention as this is the first part of the essay which will compel him to continue. Your introduction will have a thesis statement and you will spend the rest of your essay defending or establishing this central point. In order for you to make the beginning interesting it is essential that you know how to write essay introduction. There are many guidelines for this alone and we suggest that you read some of these from either online sources or from an essay hand book. A good introduction will surely benefit your work and make your reader feel impressed and interested.
Body Paragraphs
The body paragraphs are where you will prove your thesis statement. You will do this by the use of sound evidence which you will use to back your theory. Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence which will state the point of your essay and the rest of the sentences in your body paragraphs will support this. When writing your paragraphs it is essential that each paragraph flows from one to the next. The best way to achieve this with your essay is to outline your essay. Don’t forget to keep in mind the essay format requirements when writing the body section. This is because the body paragraphs will have evidence cited from outside sources and you must cite and reference them properly.
The conclusion will bring the essay to its completion. The conclusion will critically and concisely reiterate what was said up to then. Do not introduce new information at this juncture. The reason it is called the conclusion is so that the reader understands that you have said all there is to say on your topic and you have completed your argument.
Writing an essay of any type takes considerable time and effort. Therefore it is important that you draw up an essay plan which will help you to get organized with your essay writing. By applying above guidelines on the structuring of your work, you may find it much easier to write uninterrupted as you know how each section of the essay has to be tackled.
Are you still can not guarantee that you will do well on the essay writing, Now you may try the online essay service!

Advantages of Buying Essay Writing Service
What are online essay writing service?
Many essay writing services offer this option to students. There are two options to this type of essays.
The first element is the students will have to log on to a certain site and select the option of viewing these essay samples provided online. Once they view it they can form essay ideas and topic ideas to write their essay papers. It should be kept in mind that these essays are only to be used as guidelines.
The next option is the online essay which students will purchase from these writing services. The students are required to fill out an order form and professional essay writers will write the essays according to the specifications provided by the students.
Benefits of online essays
Regardless of the option there are many benefits which come with essays online.
- It is convenient. Students who have limited essay writing skills are able to hand in an essay paper which is written conforming to the writing requirements. Students who are doing A level coursework (may be nee the coursework-writing also) do not have time to concentrate on only essays. They have many other assignments and revisions for exams which need their attention. Therefore, this is a convenient and time-saving option for them.
- When obtaining online essays, students stand the chance of getting an essay which is professionally written and is error free.
- Essays obtained online can be submitted by the deadline.
- You are guaranteed that the essay you obtain online is structured and formatted to the correct specifications. These essays can serve as a guideline for your future writing.
- There are benefits if you are considering obtaining these essays as samples for your writing assignment as well.
- Essays which are online can help students educated themselves on how to write different types of essays.
- They are able to educate themselves on the different types of essay format and how to properly structure an essay.
- They are able to obtain ideas for coming up with different topics.
How to select online essays
The selection of these essays should be done with great consideration. Students must always ensure that the writing service which they obtain these essays from is a reputed firm.
If not they stand to get an essay that could be plagiarized or one that does not conform to the correct writing specifications.
Get Help with Essay Writing from Reliable Sources
One of the most common academic assignments in the school curriculum is the writing of essays. This is either a chore or an interesting experience for students, depending on the skills of essay writing the student possess as well as how interesting the topic and the essay type is to the student. For those of you who find the writing of essay a chore there are many sites online which offer a variety of ways to get help with essay writing.
While there are many options to choose from, selecting a reliable essay writing service is the most important factor if you have decided to enlist essay help. In instances such as this essay-writing-service.co.uk is an ideal choice, given the high reputation they have in the field and the unmatched reliability and quality the company offers its clients who seek essay help from them.
Following are some of the key success factors that should be present in a writing service that you would consider to select for your custom writing services.
Strong Writers
First and foremost when you give an essay to be written by someone else you will try and evaluate as to how good these essay writers are. After all you are paying for an essay that is high in quality and standard. You must check for sites that list their writer credentials and provide sample work portfolios. By browsing through this information, you can also gain an understanding of the qualifications, the field of expertise and the number of writers the company is operating with. This is a good indication of whether they can actually deliver the type of essay help you need from them. Of course, we know that since writing services mainly operate online, it is difficult for you to verify any of the information. However, the basic premise of trust has to be exercised in these online transactions.
A Variety of Services
You might require a well written custom essay, or you might need instructions on how to format and write or editing help with your essay. Some customers need project reports, dissertations or website design help. Refer to the range of services offered by the company you are considering and see whether you find what you need being offered.
Sound Technical Procedure
A good company will operate with sound IT infrastructure. The order processing system should be fast, easy to operate and safe. The customer-writer-marketing services interface must be collaborative and allow for customer to upload instruction sheets, course material etc. easily. This facilitates the writing process and helps the writer and the customer to communicate better.
Questions Asked
When you are selecting a writing firm, check for the questions the firm asks you in the order form. Do they ask you for the type of essay to be written? What essay format you would like to be used and how many words are required? The date of submission will be another key question. A writing service that is thorough with its job will prompt the reader to answer some extra queries such as the type of English to be used, and the formatting systems to be applied as well as the number of reference sources.
Originality Guarantee
A good firm will also assure you of originality of work and back this with a most up to date anti plagiarism software usage for checking each and every assignment written by their writers.