How to Write Better and Catchy Blog Post Headlines?

This week I stumbled upon something really awesome – the Headline Analyzer from CoSchedule. As simple as it sounds, it scans your title and comes back with a headline score and further analysis. So if you struggle creating a sweet headline for your next blog post or an email newsletter,  just use this tool!

Let go through one example to show you how I came up with the headline for this post:

My “Your best blog titles with Headline Analyzer” title received 64 headline score, which according to the Analyzer deserves a B+. Not bad, but could always be better. And Headline Analyzer comes up with few tips to tweak it!

Here, Headline Analyzer suggest using more emotional words. I can also download a guide with examples per category:

I also get an overview of the optimal title length per channel:

The tool also emphasizes the importance of title sentiment as well as searchable keywords:

It’s a simple, yet very powerful tool that you can use from your browser. My only minus – it’s not entirely responsive, so the user experience on a mobile device is diminished. However, I did come up with the best title for this post! 🙂

What do you think? Which one would you prefer?
