Fiber optic cables are in trend now and if you’re interested in installing it, here are the best ways to get it installed in your home | Explore More.
Fiber optic cables provide high-speed connectivity for the cable, internet, and telephone connections in your home or business and are considered the future of internet connection. If there is the availability of Fiber optic cabling in your area, you might see most of your coworkers, neighbors, and neighboring businesses making the switch and installing it in their homes, offices, or business places.
No matter whether you’re a professional in Fiber optic cable installation, a home, or a facility owner, interested in its installation, you should know and understand the procedure of its overall installation.
What Are Fiber Optic Cables?
Fiber optic cables are in trend now because of their usability. These cables are thin strands of glass that are pure in quality and no thicker than a strand of human hair. These strands are stuck together to form the optical cable. These aren't just a set of wires, but are used to provide internet connection and communication at a fast speed.
How To Instal Fiber Optic Cables?
Before installing the Fiber optic cable, ensure there is capability in your area. For this, you have to contact the local internet company in the area and they’ll help you determine the same. There are also many sites available that can help you determine if your address is fiber ready. These sites and providers can provide you information like if there’s the availability of Fiber optic cable in your area and if it is, then where the nearest distribution box exists.
It’s important to know that if you want to use Fiber optic services, the nearest distribution box's distance should be a few hundred feet from your home.
Now that you have determined the availability of Fiber-optic services in your area, it’s time to look at its installation process.
Lay The Cable To The Building
The first step toward installing Fiber optic cable in home is to connect with the internet company and inform them about the cable installation. When you inform them about it, they’ll deploy a technician to lay the cable from the local and nearest terminal box to your home, office, or the place you want.
The technician then set up the cable to run to the nearest optical network terminal existing near your house. This is the very box and starting point where the technician set up the Fiber optic cables to your house from.
Make a Cable Layout
Preparing a layout is essentially important when it comes to installing Fiber optic connections to any place. Create a layout and plan for the Fiber optic cable installation and take note of devices including televisions, phones, computers, and other devices that you want to connect to the fiber optic services.
Don’t forget to ensure the compatibility of your devices with Fiber optic connections, as some of the old devices might not be compatible with them.
Clear Installation Area
Clearing out the installation area is of the utmost importance when installing Fiber optic cables in your home. Clear the particular area or section on the ceiling or wall where you want to lay the cable so that you can conveniently install it inside the wall or ceiling.
At times, you might require a contractor or construction professional to get assistance to do it. Get the right professional so that there’s no obstacles when installing.
Run Cable And Conduit
Once your plan is ready and you have the site cleared and ready for installation, the technicians will have no hassle and they can start laying the Fiber optic cables from the nearest network terminal to your home, office, or any other place. The cables will get protected by strong or flexible conduits.
Connect To Devices
Now the testing process comes into play. As soon as the cable laying process gets done, start connecting devices and testing the cable. Test the internet connectivity as soon as you can to ensure the cable is working as expected.
Once you become sure that the cables are working properly, the construction professionals can start covering up the wall.
Wrapping Up
If there’s the availability of a Fiber-optic connection in your area and you are willing to install it in your home, office, or anywhere, these installation tips will help you go further. Following these tips can give you a state forward way to go so that you won’t come across any hassle or distraction in the middle of the way.