The series on Facebook Ads is almost over and this article will cover one of the last stages of advertising on Facebook – that is reading and analysing results. You can find Facebook Analytics in the Facebook Ad Manager, which look similar to this dashboard. I’ll show you few features that you can use to tweak your ad reports and get the most out of them.
1Select the right date range
Select the right date range
In the top right corner see the date range button – this is where you select the time to display your advert results. Facebook gives you many choices: “yesterday”, “last 7 days”, “last month” and custom dates. Note the date range change when you switch between campaigns – make sure you always analyse results taking into account one date range.
2Make use of filters
Make use of filters
This will be an eye opener to many of you. Have you ever looked with the filter options in Ad Manager? For those of you who plan a lot of campaigns, filters are necessary to give you a better overview view of the results. You can find them next to the date range button in the top right corner.
There are many filter options available, such as selecting active and inactive campaigns, filtering by the ad objective, filtering by a particular metric such as CPM, by placement and more. You can also create your own filter, which opens up a window where you need to fill in your own rule, e.g. show me results from campaigns that CTR are higher than 1% and placed on mobile devices. Facebook also gives you the possibility to save that filter for the future analysis. You can save it by clicking “Save filter”.
3Search for specific information
Search for specific information
Just next to the filter button, use the search function. You can either click “Search by…” (e.g. Ad set name or ID number) or type in your keyword. Facebook will show only those results that correspond to the search term.
4Customize your new window
Customize your new window
Important tip for those of you who run various campaigns on Facebook, if you need specific information to display, always select appropriate campaigns, sets or ads by checking the box next to it and a new window will appear asking you to either unselect or view the selected choices only. On the left hand side you can select which level of the campaign to display – this account (if you have multiple accounts), campaign, ad set and ad level.
5Customize the columns
Customize the columns
This is the great way to tailor the reports to your needs. I use this feature a lot as not all important data is given by Facebook by default. Simply, click on the button “Columns: Performance” and you will see a drop down menu. Select between Engagement, Video, Carousel, Delivery and more and you will immediately see that Facebook pulls different datasets, e.g. engagement per video posted.
You can also customise the column completely by clicking “Customise Columns” and selecting any KPI you need. Facebook has a long list to choose from!
Right next to “Columns” button click on “Breakdown” – here is where Facebook will simplify the layout even further by breaking down the rows e.g. by device:
6Export and share
Export and share
For those of you who keep their own data sheets this feature will be really useful. Once you customize the results, columns, filters and date ranges, Facebook will allow you to export that particular view to either xls or cvs file. Those are the main reporting features of Facebook Ad Manager and how you can work with them to suit your workflow and needs.
I hope you discovered new opportunities to better analyse your Facebook data. Send me a message if it was helpful or let me know how you use the dashboard to get the most out of your ads!