Beef Up Your Twitter Security Using These 7 Tips!

Twitter, a website which has brought celebrities and common man on a common platform, is used extensively by almost everyone these days. Today, Twitter is not just a website for fun, rather it has become a powerful tool for the politicians and the likes and is capable of changing the fate of an entire nation.

You need not worry much because in this article we shall be giving you 7 tips to keep your twitter account secure.


Use secure passwords to make it difficult for hackers

The very banal thing, use strong passwords. Using your kid’s name or your phone number or your date of birth is not enough. It’s necessary to find a soft spot between a strong password and an easily rememberable one.

For creating a strong password, use upper and lower cases as well as a combination of numerical and symbols. Create longer passwords, preferably more than 10 characters. Further, do not use the same password for different accounts/services. For further info on creating a strong password click here.


Two-factor verification fortifies your twitter security

Applying a two-factor verification method for logging in will help in preventing intrusion to your account. In a two-factor verification method, you will require both your email address/login ID and access to your phone.

You have 3 options to do so:

  • By inserting the verification code sent to your phone’s Twitter app
  • By entering a text message sent to your phone
  • By entering a pic of the backup code saved on your phone when login verification was enrolled by you for the first time.
Login verification activation

For activating login verification, follow the following steps:

  • Click on your user image on the top right corner of your Twitter account
  • Click on “Settings” from the drop-down menu
  • Click on “Security” from the left menu
  • Now, enable “Send login verification request to Twitter for android.”

And you’re done.


Never post private information or your location

Since Twitter is a public network, so it is open for all to see what you are posting. You can follow the following steps to make your tweets secure:

  • Go to “Security and privacy” option (as you did in the above step)
  • Click on “Protect my Tweets.”

Similarly, for protection your location info:

  • Go to the “Security and privacy” option
  • Unselect the “Add a location to my tweets” option.


Keep a tab on the apps which can access your Twitter account

Be cautious while giving access to any third party app to access your Twitter account. Never give access to any app which you do not trust. For revoking access to the third party apps, do the following:

  • Click on “Settings.”
  • Choose “Apps” from the left menu
  • Now, from the list of apps, click on “revoke access” to limit access of different apps linked to your account.


Use a VPN

You can also use a VPN service to mask your IP addresses from the online miscreants. Further, all your data will be encrypted and away from the prying eyes of the NSA and the likes. This will keep your sensitive data away from such cyber-criminals.


Keep your browser and app up-to-date

Outdated apps and browsers may not fully protect you against any cyber-attacks. Apps and browser updates contain latest security patches to keep your information secure. Apart from keeping your Twitter account updated, you are also advised to keep other software like Java, Shockwave, Flash updated to protect yourself against the latest vulnerabilities.


Log out of your account after you’re done

It holds utmost importance while accessing Twitter on a public computer. However, it is advisable to log out even when you’re on your personal computer/device before closing your browser.


Twitter has helped us connect to the world better. But you must be wary of all the security threats present online to take advantage of our lethargy. Thus, using the above tips for Twitter security, you can keep your account secure and have a peace of mind while Tweeting about buying your PS4!
