How to Stay 99% Anonymous Online in 2023: 20 Incognito Tips

Many people want to achieve anonymity on the Internet. This is absolutely normal: there is privacy and correspondence, and you want to protect them.

The bad news is that often ISPs and Internet services are ready to disregard the rights of their users in search of commercial profit. Moreover, the information may fall into the hands of intruders.

A logical question arises: how to preserve your anonymity on the Internet? To begin with, let's understand what is meant by this concept. Anonymity can be defined as a state when it is impossible to identify an action on the Internet and the physical person who committed this act. The reverse is also true: it is impossible to compile a list of a person's online actions.

But you have to pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to ensure complete anonymity online – we all leave a digital footprint. With sufficient resources, it will lead to a real person. But an ordinary person, not a cybercriminal, only needs to follow a few rules that will make him almost incognito.

Encrypt your traffic

All the data we send or receive from the Internet is transmitted in clear form by default. That is, an intruder receiving your network traffic will be able to see all the data transmitted in it.

To avoid this threat, many sites use cryptoprotocols to transmit data. The main protocol on the Internet is HTTP. Its version that supports encryption is called HTTPS. Now it is HTTPS is the standard that allows you to protect transmitted data between the site and the user. It is used by almost all significant services and sites, the best $20 deposit bonus nz is a good example.

Hide the IP address

The IP address is still the main user identifier in the network. Now access is granted only after the identification of a person by passport, so the provider will always be able to say who exactly at a certain time worked at the specified IP address.

To hide the IP address, people mainly use a VPN tunnel, which, among other things, allows you to encrypt the traffic and hide it from the Internet provider. However, it should be understood that in the case of a VPN service, all of your traffic will be available to its owners. It is worth choosing services with a proven reputation. You should also be prepared for the fact that the VPN service is likely to be paid.



TOR uses so-called onion routing, where at each network site a data packet is encrypted over the previous packet like an onion husk, and then “decrypted” in reverse order.

Similar to a VPN, your traffic is released to the Internet in some other place, but no longer in a single location, but at many exit points, which makes it much more difficult to access and analyze it.

Delete cookies

When you interact with certain sites, files are created on your computer in which the site stores information during and between sessions: cookies. They save user settings to help make it easier to use the site and improve many services.

For example, to avoid having to enter a password every time you go to the best online casino in new zealand, the site sets an authenticated session and stores its identifier in a cookie. A cookie's lifetime may be limited.

Be aware of third-party cookies

Unlike regular cookies, third-party cookies are created by sites you are not currently visiting. Often these cookies are set by “Like” buttons on Facebook and similar services from Internet giants. Later these cookies can be read by Facebook itself. The algorithm uses this information to show you targeted ads in your newsfeed.

To remain anonymous about third-party cookies, you can use “Incognito” mode in your browser or special plug-ins that block “Like” buttons and similar “bugs” on websites. But in the case of blocking, there are often problems with the display of content, since some of the useful functionality is blocked along with the tracking block.

Protect yourself from a browser and system mold

By default, a very limited amount of information about a user's end system, his computer, is available to sites. For example, the MAC address – the unique (really unique) number of the user's network card – is not available. Also unavailable is the serial number of the processor and much more.

However, some things are available: browser and operating system versions, screen resolution, time zone, language and browser extensions, etc. Do not underestimate the specified set of information – a vector made up of these parameters will be unique. This way the site can remember your cast and then compare it every time you enter the site.

To protect yourself against this and ensure complete anonymity on the web, install special browser plug-ins that will give a randomly generated cast when sites are queried.


If you want to make an anonymous purchase or donation, cryptocurrencies trump PayPal and, obviously, credit cards.

However, there is a serious misconception that Bitcoin is always anonymous when blockchain technology itself means that every transaction is tracked and verified.

This problem can be circumvented by using wallets that change your Bitcoin address after each transaction. This makes you harder to track. Use a Bitcoin blending service that merges your bitcoins with other people and blends them before making the payment to the recipient.

Search Engines

Search Engines

Google tracks every search query and links you click. If you use Tor, it doesn't matter much, but it's still worth choosing an alternative.

DuckDuckGo is probably the most popular search engine that does not track or register users. You can set it as the default search engine in your browser.

DuckDuckGo is a completely independent browser, so frankly, the results won't be as good as Google's. Fortunately, there is a way to get Google results without Google.

StartPage deletes all of your personal information and then sends a search request to Google under your name. It does not register or track user activity. All search results are displayed with a proxy link underneath them, allowing you to go to any site while maintaining your privacy through the proxy.

Transmitting files

There may come a time when you need to anonymously send a file that is too large for an email attachment.

FileDropper is a simple, easy-to-use solution that lets you upload up to 5 GB without signing up. WeTransfer is another option that allows files up to 2 GB without registration. For these types of services, just upload the file and send the link to whoever you want.

There are also generally accepted rules of online security that help you remain anonymous and not worry about your personal information:

  • Install antivirus and update it regularly;
  • Use complex logins and passwords;
  • Don't tell strangers or leave your personal phone number, email address, and social networking page links on unverified sites;
  • If your work requires you to give a phone number and e-mail address to strangers, get a working number and e-mail;
  • Don't tell strangers or leave your full name and mailing address on unverified sites;
  • Don't send confidential data by mail or messages;
  • Don't follow the links in the letters from strangers and unknown addresses; if the letter with a link was sent by someone you know, first make sure he hasn't been hacked;
  • Don't install suspicious applications, especially “hackers” – 99% of them can hack only one computer – yours;
  • Don't visit unverified sites with the help of social networks – the button “Enter via” allows the owner of the site to get practically all information about you from the social network.


This article does not list all the methods of anonymity online, but even they are enough to make it much more difficult for your enemies, stalkers, or controlling authorities.

But the most crucial defense mechanism is undoubtedly located in your head. Think, think, and think again before you post pictures, post information about yourself, download anything, or upload to the Web.

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