Weekly Notes: Instagram Analytics And Business Profiles

This week’s news is something we’ve all been waiting for… I’d say for years. This day has come – Instagram will finally let us know more about the content we post, the people we reach and details about our own following.


Instagram analytics available on business profile pages

First, let’s begin with the news that Instagram will create business pages for brands. Those pages look like normal Instagram profiles, however few extra features are added:

  • Contact button next to the “Follow/Following” button. This will allow you to either get directions to a specific location or a contact email. No more direct messaging!
  • Company description with location details (similar to the “About” section on Facebook pages).

Instagram hasn’t fully implemented the pages yet – they’re still testing them with small samples of businesses. The biggest question is of course if the current profiles can be transferred easily into pages (similar to Pinterest profiles going into business pages) or will businesses need to create new ones from scratch. More on new Instagram business profiles in this article from The Next Web.

Now, the more exciting news – the analytics!! This feature will be thus available to business profiles (as of now) accessible through a “chart icon” located in the upper-right-hand-corner of the app. There hasn’t been said anything yet about “normal” Instagram accounts owned by you and me or more importantly – the influencers’.

What type of stats will be available to marketers and brands on Instagram?

  1. Followers: gender, age and locations of your audience. From now on businesses will know who follows them – men vs. women ratio, age distribution and most of all origin – which country do they come from and in which cities do they live. All of this information will be presented in nice charts and graphs.
  2. Insights: post impressions and reach (just like on Facebook), website clicks (on the BIO link I assume) and follower activity (including most popular times of day or days of the week when the profile’s followers are using Instagram)
  3. Best performing posts: Posts sorted by impressions over a seven-day or 30-day period, as well as the ratio of post views to followers. This will give amazing insights about the current developments of the “new” Instagram algorithm and how different content type impacts the reach results.

Are you all excited already?


Twitter removes the link and photo count from 140 characters rule

Although it hasn’t been 100% confirmed with Twitter, the rumours say that within the next two weeks (launch date: beginning of June) Twitter will no longer count links and photos in the 140 character count when posting a tweet. Nothing has been mentioned about the hashtag use.

Recode reported earlier this year that Twitter was considering upping its character limit to 10,000, which would have represented a major shift away from its micro-blogging roots.

What do you think? Would you prefer longer tweets in general?


Pinterest opens up to affiliate marketing

Affiliate links were banned on Pinterest since last February, however in 2016, the platform has announced to open them up again. This tactic rewards especially local small and medium-sized influencers as well as businesses who use Pinterest as one of their distribution/sales channels.

How do affiliate links work on Pinterest? You might have clicked on them yourself – if you liked something so much that you clicked “Visit” button on Pinterest, a special tracking code was fired that was recorded back on a specific affiliate network. Depending on the settings, if an influencer got paid per click, he or she would receive a small commission per each visit coming from Pinterest.

Once Pinterest added Buyable Pins in the USA, they banned affiliate links in concern to improve user experience on the platform.

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