Consider These 7 Factors When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

Web Hosting Providers are only increasing in number with the passage of time. Since websites are only growing in importance, it is impossible to ignore the existence of web hosting providers. While there are a variety of service providers, not all can be considered as people’s favorites.

To help you understand which service provider is suitable for your needs, we have developed this detailed guide to help you make an informed decision.

Different Types of Web Hosting

Types of Web Hosting

Web hosting is an integral part of the website development cycle as it manages the deployment of a professional website. While there are a variety of web hosting options available, let’s shed some light on the most common types.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting

A dedicated server hosting provides you with complete control of managing your traffic over a web server. Your traffic can only be bounded by your server capacity and allows you to easily upgrade your server speeds.

Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting An arrangement where your website will be managed on a server and you will be assigned a dedicated machine. You will have to pay for the resources being used that include RAM, CPU, Storage (hard drives), and Internet Bandwidth. Shared Hosting is considered the cheapest type of web hosting.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

If you wish to develop a website for both personal or professional use, there are certain factors that need to be under consideration to ensure you make an informed decision.

1. Customer Support

Hosting Customer Support

Everybody’s in a rush these days. People want efficiency and timely responses to feel welcomed. Due to this fast-paced mentality, the importance of good customer support service has grown to its highest level.

You need to monitor the company’s customer service to ensure you won’t be left high and dry when you need them in a crisis.

2. Error Monitoring

web hosting Error Monitoring


With efficient support, you will be able to ensure that your users do not face any kinds of glitches due to your lack of experience in website management.

3. Loading Speed

web hosting Loading Speed

Website loading speeds need to be instant in 2021. Websites need to operate at lightning-fast speeds to match the fast-paced scale of their competitors.

Moreover, since Google considers load time as a valid factor to increase your website’s SERP ranking, you should consider it an important component for your website(s).

4. Registration and Maintenance Costs

Registration and Maintenance Costs

The web hosting industry is becoming more and more competitive due to the population of competitors. The companies are providing a variety of packages that have lowered registration and maintenance costs. While there are a variety of Web Hosting Providers that provide a multitude of services and features, NameHero also offers renewal discounts when you sign up for a long duration which serves as an additional attractive element for customers.

Since the customers are always in the mood of getting more for less, they try to get all the excessive discounts they can. For this reason, the web hosting market is getting saturated, and the customers are able to make educated decisions without having to stick to one-dimensional service providers.

5. Scalability


Every business plans to expand its wings at some point. However, before doing that, website owners need to be perfectly sure that their web hosting has the capacity of handling the expansion of the website’s content.

6. Security


Security is a major concern for website owners. Your web hosting provider needs to satisfy your security needs and must have the required encryption methods implemented in its system. This will help you surf the web with ease and be free from the worries of any potential cyber-attacks.

7. Uptime


You need to ensure that your service provider provides you with a guaranteed uptime and a hotset (backup) method that will be activated whenever there’s an issue in the main server. This ensures that your website won’t be unavailable to your users for a long period of time and you won’t have to bear any loss.

Web Hosting Problems

There is no field in this world that can be deemed free from errors or difficulties. Although the web hosting providers provide you the required platform to showcase your websites to the world, there are certain issues that arise during the process. Let’s have a detailed discussion on web hosting-related problems.

Low Level of Security

Low Level of Security

Security is a major concern for most website owners. With the increasing cybersecurity threats, standardized security practices are of paramount practice in your web hosting solutions. However, weak security in several web hosting providers’ services frustrates the website owners.

Slow Website Loading Speed

Slow Website Loading Speed

In today’s time, a website is unable to survive in the fierce market if it doesn’t have the required website loading speeds. Since the users have a variety of options at their hands, they avoid wasting any time on a slow website waiting for their search results.

Considering every business is resorting to the development of a professional website, the importance of web hosting providers is at its all-time high. Their involvement in the entire technological system cannot be ignored due to their scale and nature of work. For this reason, this guide is targeted to help you identify the useful service providers on the basis of certain factors that will truly test their level of efficiency.

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