Today’s hackers’ abilities are at its peak. No longer do they hack for silly giggles. Hacking is now employed to do grievous acts such as stealing information, sensitive data, financial records, or intellectual property. In this world where the entire businesses are conducted on the office’s server, how can you protect your data from hackers? Do not worry! The following article will remove all your doubts relating to protecting yourself from hackers.
Security Audits are Must
You can only secure your businesses if you know about the vulnerabilities. This is where security audits come into the picture. Hiring a professional audit or an audit firm will make you aware of the vulnerabilities as well as suggest actions to fix them. A complete audit of all the devices like computer, mobile phones, and printers needs to be conducted. The audit reports will provide you with the list of vulnerabilities which makes the system an easy target for hackers. Accordingly you must carry out operations to fix them.
Strong and Multiple Passwords Are The Key
Simple passwords are easy to guess for the hackers. They can simply launch a Dictionary Attack to crack open the password of the important junctions of your business. Use multiple characters like symbols, alphabets, and numbers to make a complex password. It reduces the vulnerability of the password to crack.
Further, having the same password for different service is like committing a suicide. If by chance, any password comes out then the entire data can be compromised with. You could use a password manager tool to manage multiple passwords.
Educating Your Staff
Proper training of the staffs about cyber security is important as it helps in fixing a lot of security loopholes. An educated and properly trained staff is an asset to the business. Make sure that the employees are vigilant about the happening in their system as well as the business’ server. Make them aware of the role that they must play in improving the security of the business.
Protect Your Data From Hackers By Encrypting Your Data
Encrypting your data makes it difficult for the hackers to get hold of the data even when the data is stolen. Retrieval of the data will be almost impossible for the hackers even if they get hold of any such sensitive data if the encryption is done properly. Suppose, your hard drive or your pen drive gets lost. If you have encrypted the data properly then any person getting hold of the hard drive or pen drive won’t be able to get access to the data.
Encryption is also crucially important when transferring files over the internet. A new file sharing service, FileWhopper, applies zero-knowledge encryption, which means that no one but you and your recipient can decrypt your file.
Back up Your Data
Keep a backup of all your important data and sensitive files. Not only should you back up such data but also test, at regular intervals, whether the data can be recovered when you need it. Avoid using Cloud servers for storing such important files. Cloud servers can be hacked and after several incidences of cloud hacks, it is advisable to not upload sensitive data in them. Keep them safe and secure on an external hard drive which can be accessed only offline. Keep it local and password protected, and you’re all set!
Multiple-security-technology Solution
Proper security measures must be taken even at the grass root level. It is necessary to secure all your devices, network endpoints, mail servers since a small vulnerability can wreak havoc for your business. Such multiple security measures will block any malicious attacks as well as alert you in case of any intrusion.
Businesses, as well as individual, are equally concerned about the safety of their data on the electronic medium. We are pretty sure that using the above measures will protect your data against hackers. Remain alert and keep yourself aware of the latest happening in the cyber-security world to provide a better security solution to the business.